Friday, October 15, 2010

Village Life

More than 70% of India’s 1.2 billion people live in rural areas, which is fairly remarkable for a country with such booming and expanding cities. A recent hike took me to another small village, similar to Agorga, which was described in my last post. We reached this nameless village after a short taxi ride along the road in the direction of Tehri, and then a brisk 2-hour hike down a steep path off the side; down, down through a thick forest to the valley bottom. There on the banks of the river we found ourselves in a little village of perhaps 50 houses. A number of school children, roaming about on their way home for lunch, had great fun giggling about our hilarious Hindi pronunciation. Although they look rather serious in this picture!

I must have had food on the brain, because for some reason most of my pictures from the day focus on the various products from the fields laying out on doorsteps drying in the sun. Colorful collections of beans (for dal) and bright red chili peppers (“mirch” in Hindi) caught the sun and my eye.

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